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[질문] 챕터5질문좀.. [9]

작성일 프로필 열기/닫기
추천 | 조회 2039 | 댓글수 9

댓글 | 9


해미쉬 자살전에 알버트화이트단독범 결론만들어야해요 근데 네가지중에 해미쉬가범인이다도있으신가요?ㅜ
14.12.28 05:28


아뇨그걸 빠뜨렸네요 저도못했어요..그나저나 자살하기전에 결론내야하는건 알겠는데 그전까지 아무리해도 신성 거기말고는 결론이 안나네요ㅠㅠ | 14.12.28 12:48 | |


나항님 혹시 플래따신거같은데 해미쉬 범인 결과도얻으신건가요? 아님 그것빼고 6가지 신성 알버트단독 화이트단독 공범없다 알버트공범 화이트공범 이여섯가지로도되는건가요? | 14.12.28 14:36 | |


여기 올라온건 좀 이상 하더라구요. 외국꺼 보고 했었던 http://ps3trophies.com/forums/showwiki.php?title=PS3-Trophy-Guides:Sherlock-Holmes:-Crimes-and-Punishments-Trophy-Guide | 14.12.28 16:19 | |


There is a total of 28 conclusions to the 6 cases. What becomes a conclusion is what you deduce the different clues to mean, at the end. It usually requires you to collect all of the clues to see all of the conclusions. Be aware that you just need to reach and inspect the conclusion, but you don't need to watch the ending to every single one of them. Below is a list of the amount of clues there are in the case and the amount of conclusions you need to reach: Case 1: 16 clues, 4 conclusions. Case 2: 23 clues, 4 conclusions. Case 3: 18 clues, 6 conclusions. Case 4: 16 clues, 3 conclusions. Case 5: 22 clues, 6 conclusions. Case 6: 18 clues, 3 conclusions. Note that none of the clues or conclusions are missable unless you accept a conclusion and ending the case before discovering them all. But as long as the case is active, you are safe. Below in the spoiler box you will find all of the conclusions and the right one will be marked with an asterisk: 여기 설멸으론 결말 다 안봐도 된다고 해서 초기 루리웹에 올라온 결말 봐야 한다라는 글과 뭐가 맞는지 몰라서 둘다 해봤는데 결말 안보고 노란것만 만들어도 되네요. | 14.12.28 16:20 | |


수는 Case 1: Liam is the murderer Neligan is the murderer Neligan and Liam did it together Cairns is the murderer* Case 2: The chileans stole the prototype Robinson trapped the chileans in the mine The mexicans trapped the chileans in the mine The mexicans drowned the chileans in the lake* Case 3: Garrow did it with the silver knife Garrow did it with the ice knife Pitkins did it with the silver knife Pitkins did it with the ice knife Blinkhorn did it with the silver knife Blinkhorn did it with the ice knife* Case 4: The Randalls did it It was the wife who did it The captain did it* Case 5: The Deadly Syndicate did it. Martyn Hamish did it alone Albert Dunne did it alone Albert Dunne was an accomplice Margaret White did it alone Margaret White was an accomplice* Case 6: Leighton did it because of robbery Leighton did it because of a personal motive Foley did it* | 14.12.28 16:21 | |


에전에 답변 단것 처럼 5챕터 7개는 아닌 http://gaia.ruliweb.com/gaia/do/ruliweb/detail/read?articleId=7561819&bbsId=G001&itemId=82367&pageIndex=1
14.12.28 16:22


닷핵님 너무감사합니다 ㅎ 저두 후딱 플래를향해 ㅠ | 14.12.28 20:03 | |


알버트 단독 조건은 마침 스샷 찍은게 그부분이네요. http://gaia.ruliweb.com/gaia/do/ruliweb/detail/read?articleId=7567323&bbsId=G001&itemId=82367&pageIndex=1
14.12.28 16:26


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파워링크 광고 24시간 안보기

ID 구분 제목 글쓴이 추천 조회 날짜
118 전체공지 업데이트 내역 / 버튜버 방송 일정 8[RULIWEB] 2023.08.08
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셜록 홈즈: 어웨이큰

한글 지원


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