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[공략/팁] Amantus의 짤막하지 않은 팁 모음 - 추가중 [9]

작성일 프로필 열기/닫기
추천 | 조회 74940 | 댓글수 9

댓글 | 9


13.11.05 23:38


헐 이제 보니 이분 '어세신이 세긴 세군요;;' 글 쓰신 분이었네 ㄷㄷ 님 글 보고 극물공어세신 시작했던 거였는데 ㅋㅋㅋ
13.11.06 05:20


확실히 스태미나면에서 어세신이 편함요 ㅎㅎ | 13.11.06 05:21 | |


보스 아래쪽 공략 대단히 기다리고잇습니다!
13.11.07 02:20


엇 그러고보니 다크어리즌 쪽에 엘더오거는... 하긴 여자보면 환장하는 게 남자보면 환장하는 걸로 바뀌는 거랑 피통 공격력 올라가는 거 말곤 뭐 없나...
13.11.17 10:30


으엌 추가해주셧넹 ;ㅇ; | 13.11.18 00:25 | |


13.11.29 12:35


에잇 추천 맛 좀 드셔보시라 !
13.11.30 18:18


Death is an Enemy in Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Death in the Dragon's Dogma universe shares the same features as the Grim Reaper in popular mythological depictions. Larger than many creatures in the realm, Death has a black body that resembles that of a shadowy, tattered robe with no visible limbs; thus, it travels through the means of flight. Death's head also resembles a hood; it has no visible face as opposed to the common skeletal depictions featured in mythology and popular culture. Using its tattered-like robed body as limbs, Death grips a scythe upon its right side. Larger than Death's own body, the scythe can impart fatal destruction even to highly skilled Arisens. A Bone Lantern rests on its left side that allows it to cast Sleep. Speculation suggests that Death is the twisted form of Arthacos, an Arisen driven insane by loneliness and the unending labyrinth of Bitterblack Isle. Arthacos, in his insanity, came to believe that his duty as an Arisen was to offer one-thousand human sacrifices to appease the Dragon's destructive nature in order to save his country from calamity. He continues his vigil still. Arthacos' accounts can be found in the form of ten epitaphs scattered through the isle. Many of the noticeboard quests, specifically The Wages of Death I through IV, seem to also be written by Arthacos (this would imply that even after becoming Death, he still retains his original mind). When Death searches for the Arisen in the darkness, the whispering voice that drove him to madness can be heard.
14.05.10 20:27


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드래곤즈 도그마: 다크 어리즌

한글 지원


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