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[질문] the world ends with you - ranking [9]

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추천 | 조회 833 | 댓글수 9

댓글 | 9


Yeah, I do understand what you are saying. I'm also in school. So, I guess I will have to write this in english. This game is just great. You've got to try this game if you own NDS or NDSL I can assure you that SQUAREENIX will never release this game in korean because they do not expect to get any profits from the market in korea. Nintendo Korea does not have the right to localize and publish this game for korean users becasue this game is NOT one of their games. I already finished this game in this morning anyway. I have never played japanese version yet, but american one is good enough to play. Just give it a shot :)
08.04.29 00:00


"but I believe that you can translate it...." "but I believe that you can translate it...." "but I believe that you can translate it....".......... :-D ----------------------------------------------------------------- Subaseka`s sales volume..... wonderful~ Perfect~ ^0^~ It was all arranged beforehand~! Because They are Square(+)Enix~ I can assure that this game named "The World Ends With You~!" Buy it as fast as possible. (I can`t assure my Grammer ability. sorry...(???)) 자마엘曰 : "Can assure you that SQUAREENIX will never release this game in korean because they do not expect to get any profits from the market in korea." △I agree... 'This game release out for Korean????' Just DREAM!! They are 'SQUARE+ENIX'! T_T.. then you▽...?
08.04.29 00:00


Modify my upper reply : 'game named' -> 'game named by' (....) Change a active sentence into an passive one... How terrible mistake.. T_T..
08.04.30 00:00


Guys. Prior to the structural stuff, please watch your articles and prepositions first. It sounds kinda weird to a native. The game is great, though.
08.05.01 00:00


aaaargh!!!! I feel like crazy ! why R U guys write as English?! (..) Mr.(?)ZAMAEL : DO NOT ASSURE! I believe and believe that SQUARE-ENIX will release the subaseka in Korean!( also Kingdon-heart, too -_-;) I think NIN-KO al-ways released only like super-mario, or poketmon, something like that. For the m-anias, it can be the pain T.T because of illegal-device, the NINTENDO doesn't wa-nt to publish games in Korean. ..huu....I think that they thought DS as the toy of only children....... I wanna high-quality game like subaseka, and tales of innocenc-e..ect.(my tastes -_-;) I cannot translate Japanese, so I like the American version.....however, I finish this game with NOGADA!!!!!!!!(..BURNING!)
08.05.02 00:00


Mr.TRIPLE-DASH : but.....I REALLY trust you guys! (...n?) yeah, I think Subaseka is amazing! It's the best game that I have ever played! it drives me crazy..with i-ts badge, I love SQUARE-ENIX...T.T I wonder when can they release Kingdom h-earts and Suabseka in Korean! I hate NIN-KO!and I don't know its name is 'The w-orld ends with you(..)' Isn't it NETA?! well....I definitely think it's better than the n-ame 'It's wonderful world..' and I hate the mistake because if I had mistake, I shoul-d to delete and rewrite -_-;
08.05.02 00:00


Mr.DeusExMachina : hey, I'm not good at English! I know ! I'm just 16-years old! how dare you that you said that -_- are you native-American? I don't know why are you join here. and you don't have the right to say like that -_- I don't want to use English here , too! so, next time , I will say only one sentence : Can you shut - up for me ? ^ - ^
08.05.02 00:00


Ro-Kuα//But Square Enix...... not Nintendo`s Third party.... ※Nintendo`s Third party(=Nintendo`s Lower business enterprise.) Release Korean - Not Nin-co(?)`s problem.. -_-;; Nin-co(?) can release Korean "NINTENDO`s GAME and NINTENDO`S THIRD PARTY`S GAME" (That is the limit......) By the way.. Game`s name.... FATAL SPOILER!!!! T_T... Then please modify your reply 'It's wonderful world' -> 'It's a wonderful world..'....(^-^;;) (Rewrite) - I can`t assure my Grammer ability. sorry...(???) (Mutter against rokuα - NOT "Mr."....... T_T...)
08.05.02 00:00


트리플대시 : 아 집에 오니 속이 시원하네요 -_-; 닌코는 KO일것으로 예상하는 1ㅅ이나...(..) 뭐랄까, 스포일러를 드러내도 그냥 속시원히 드러내주는 -_- ...a는 그냥 까먹은 겁니다, 까먹은거 (..주장..) 뭐랄까, 진짜 정발로 나오면 기타히어로 기타값나와도 봐준다 -_- 이겁니다.
08.05.02 00:00


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